Friday, December 25, 2015

5.5% Nobel Laureates Female - 49 out of 874 (2015)

The Nobel Prize and Prize in Economic Sciences have been awarded to women 49 times between 1901 and 2015. Only one woman, Marie Curie, has been honored twice, with the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics and the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. This means that 48 women in total have been awarded the Nobel Prize between 1901 and 2015. For a complete listing of the females honored with Nobel Prize accolades see Nobel Prize Awarded to Women.

49 prizes to women is indeed a small number as to present, 2015, 874 Laureates have been awarded and 26 organizations, totaling 900 Nobel Prizes since 1901. That is, 94.5% of the Nobel Laureates awarded were men. For more on the distribution of prizes, the laureates and their fields, years without prizes, individuals who declined the prize, and other interesting facts about the awarding of the Nobel Prize, see Nobel Prize Facts.

Via email, the following picture compilation was sent to me in regard to the literary Nobel prize winners, so am continuing to share the compilation. In total 13 of the Nobel Prizes for literature, out of the total 111 prizes to date, have been awarded to women. No better quote sums the earned and appreciated accolades of female Nobel laureates in literature and in other highly merited fields of study than "Since the beginning of the 20th century, female writers have emerged from the shadows of their male colleagues." The 13 honored women for the Nobel Prize in Literature are as follows:

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Joseph Needham, the Man Who Loved China

Joseph Needham (1900-1995) was a brilliant scholar and later a brilliant eccentric scientist, particularly fascinated with China and all things Chinese. In 1937 he met the love of his life (although he remained happily it seemed to his wife), Lu Gwei-djen, a Chinese graduate scholar who came to work with him at Cauis College. Gwei-djen taught him Chinese and his love for China and his paramour remained until his death nearly six decades later. In those intervening years, he traveled extensively in China, gathering written tomes of knowledge of China and meeting individuals who could explain more about China and its ancient past. In 1948, he proposed a project to the Cambridge University Press for writing a book on Science and Civilisation in China. The project was accepted and consumed the rest of Needham's life. He wrote prolifically and yet his amassed knowledge just never seemed to confine the great knowledge and achievements of the hitherto unknown and unacknowledged record of inventive superiority. When his first volume came out, written almost singularly by himself, the world was amazed ... and all 5,000 copies sold out, and in even though printed in regular intervals, the book has never to this day gone out of print!

Following are a list of inventions alone that the Chinese in their inventive brilliance achieved. What really puzzled Needham, the Needham question he never could really answer, was "Why did China suddenly stop inventing around 1500AD, when they had already achieved so much, but the West was to prove that from about this date, that there still was so much to achieve?" The question stumped him, and still continues to provoke question and query amongst sinologists today.



(with dates of first documentation as discovered/compiled by Joseph Needham in his multiple volume anthologies on Science and Civilisation in China):

AD 190
580 BC
Advisory vessels
3rd century BC
Air-conditioning fan
AD 180
Alcohol made from grain by a special fermentation process
15th century BC
Algorithm for extraction for square and cube roots
1st century AD
11th century AD
Anchor, nonfouling stockless
1st century AD
3rd century AD
Antimalaria drugs
3rd century AD
Arcuballista, multiple-bolt
320 BC
Arcuballista, multiple-spring
5th century AD
Asbestos woven into cloth
3rd century BC
Astronomical cloth drive
AD 120
Axial rudder
1st century AD
Ball bearings
2nd century BC
Balloon principle
2nd century BC
Bean curd
AD 100
Bell, pottery
3rd millennium BC
Bellows, double-acting piston-tuned bronze
6th century BC
Belt drive
5th century
Beriberi, recognition of
AD 1330
Blast furnace
3rd century BC
Blood, distinction between arterial and venous
2nd century BC
Blood, theory of circulation
2nd century BC
Boats and ships, paddle-wheel
AD 418
Bomb, cast-iron
AD 1221
Bomb, thrown from a trebuchet
AD 1161
Book, printed, first to be dated
AD 868
Book, scientific, printed
AD 847
Bookcase, vertical axis
AD 544
Bookworm repellent

Bowl, bronze water-spouting
3rd century BC
Bread, steamed

Bridges, releasable
4th century BC
Bridges, iron-chain suspension
6th century AD
Bridges, Li Chhun’s segmental arch
AD 610
Bronze, high tin, for mirror production

Bronze rainbow teng (camphor still)
1st century BC
AD 9
Camera obscura, explanation of
AD 1086
“Cardan” suspension
140 BC
Cast iron
5th century BC
Cast iron—malleable
4th century BC
Cereals, preservation of stored
1st century BC
Chain drive
AD 976
4th century BC
Chimes, stone
9th century BC
600 BC
Clocks, sand
AD 1370
Clocks, Su Sung’s
AD 1088
Clockwork escapement of Yi Xing and Liang Lingzan
AD 725
Coal, as a fuel
1st century AD
Coal, dust, briquettes from
1st century AD
9th century BC
Collapsible umbrella and other items
5th century BC
Comet tails, observation of direction of
AD  635
Compass, floating fish
AD 1027
Compass, magnetic needle
Ad 1088
Cooking pots, heat economy in
3rd millennium BC
Crank handle
1st century BC
Crop rotation
6th century BC
5th century BC
Crossbow, bronze triggers
300 BC
Crossbow, grid sight for
1st century AD
Crossbow, magazine
13th century AD
Dating of trees by number of rings
12th century AD
Decimal place value
13th century BC
Deep drilling and use of natural gas as fuel
2nd century BC
Diabetes, association with sweet and fatty foods
1st century BC
Dial and pointer
3rd century AD
Differential pressure

Disease, diurnal rhythms in
2nd century BC
Diseases, deficiency
3rd century AD
Dishing of carriage wheel

Distillation of mercury
3rd century BC
AD 1120
1st century BC
Dragon kiln
2nd century AD
Draw loom
1st century AD
Drum carriage
110 BC
Diked/poldered fields
1st century BC
2nd century AD
Equal temperament, mathematical formulation of
AD 1584
Equilibrium, theory of
4th century BC
Erosion and sedimentary deposition, knowledge of
AD 1070
Esculentist movement (edible plants for time of famine)
AD 1406
Ever-normal granary system
AD 9
2nd century BC
AD 290
AD 950
Flame test

Flamethrower (double-acting force pump for liquids)
AD 919
Folding chairs
3rd century AD
Free reed
1000 BC
7th century BC
Furnace, reverberatory
1st century BC
3rd century BC
Gauges, rain and snow
AD 1247
Gear wheels, chevron-toothed
AD 50
Ginning machine, hand-cranked, and treadle
17th century AD
Gluten from wheat
AD 530
Gold, purple sheen
200 BC
AD 806
AD 712
Great Wall of China
3rd century BC
Grid technique, quantitative, used in cartography
AD 130
Guan xien system
240 BC
Gunpowder, formula for
9th century AD
Gunpowder, firecracker and fireworks
12th century AD
Gunpowder, government’s department and monopoly on
14th century AD
Gunpowder, used in mining
681 BC
AD 1128
Harness, breast strap
250 BC
Harness, collar
AD 477
Helicopter top
AD 320
High temperatures, firing of clay at
2nd millennium BC
110 BC
AD 584
“Hot streak” test
AD 1596
120 BC
Indeterminate analysis
4th century AD
Interconversion of longitudinal and rotary motion
AD 31
4th century BC
Knife, rotary disk, for cutting jade
12th century AD
13th century BC
Ladders, extendable
4th century BC
Leeboards and centerboards
AD 751
Loadstone, south-pointing ladle
AD 83
Magic mirrors
5th century AD
Magic squares
AD 190
Magnetic declination noted
AD 1040
Magnetic thermoremanence and induction
AD 1044
Magnetic variation observed
AD 1436
Magnetism, used in medicine
AD 970
Malt sugar, production of
1st millennium BC
4th century BC
Maps, relief
AD 1086
Maps, topographical
3rd century BC
Masts, multiple
3rd century AD
Matches (nonstriking)
AD 577
Melodic composition
AD 475
Metal amalgams used to fill cavities
AD 659
Metals, to oxides, burning of
5th century BC
Metals, densities of
3rd century AD
Mill, wagon
AD 340
Mills, edge-runner
200 BC
Mills, edge-runner, water-power applied
4th century AD
Mining, square sets for
5th century BC
Mining, differential pressure ventilation
5th century BC
Mirror with “light penetration surface”
11th century BC
Mold board
2nd century BC
Mountings, vertical and horizontal
1st century AD
9th century BC
3rd century BC
Multiple-spindle silk-twisting frame
AD 1313
Negative numbers, operations using
1st century AD
Noodles (filamentous) including bread
AD 100
Nova, recorded observation of
13th century BC
Numerical equations of higher order, solution of
13th century AD
Oil lamps, economic
9th century AD
Paktong (cupronickel)
AD 230
Paper (invention of)
300 BC
Paper, money
9th century AD
Paper, toilet
AD 589
Paper, wall
16th century AD
Paper, wrapping
2nd century BC
Parachute principle
8th century AD
“Pascal” triangle of binomial coefficients
AD 1100
Pasteurization of wine
AD 1117
Pearl fishing conservancy
2nd century AD
Pearls in oysters, artificial induction of
AD 1086
“Pi,” accurate estimation of
3rd century AD
Piece molding for casting bronze
2nd millennium BC
Place-value number system
13th century BC
Placenta used as source of estrogen
AD 725
AD 940
Plant protection, biological
AD 304
Planting in rows
3rd century BC
Playing cards
AD 969
Polar-equatorial coordinates
1st century BC
Polar-equatorial mounting of astronomical instruments
AD 1270
3rd century BC
Potassium, flame-test used in identifying
3rd century AD
Pound-lock canal gates
AD 984
Preservation of corpses
166 BC
Printing, bronze type
AD 1403
Printing, moveable earthenware type on paper
11th century AD
Printing, multicolor
12th century AD
Printing, with woodblocks
7th century AD
Propeller oar, self-feathering
AD 100
Prospecting, biogeochemical
6th century AD
Prospecting, geological
4th century BC
Qin and se zither

Recording of sun halves, parhelic specters, and Lowitz arcs
AD 635
Reel on fishing rod
3rd century AD
4th century BC
Rocket arrow
13th century AD
Rocket arrow launchers
AD 1367
Rocket arrows, winged
AD 1360
Rockets, two-stage
AD 1360
AD 880
Rotary ballista
AD 240
Rotary fan
1st century BC
Sailing carriage
16th century AD
Sails, mat and batten
1st century AD
Salvage, underwater
AD 1064
AD 80
Seed, pretreatment of
1st century BC
Seed drill, multiple-tube
AD 155
“Seedling horse”
11th century AD
AD 132
Ships, construction principle of
1st century BC
Ships, paddle-wheel
5th century AD
Silk, earliest spinning of
2850 BC
Silk, reeling machine
AD 1090
Silk warp doubling and throwing frame
10th century AD
3rd century BC
Sluices, riffles added to
11th century AD
Smallpox, inoculation against
10th century AD
AD 178
Snow crystals, six-sided symmetry of
135 BC
Soil science (ecology)
5th century BC
South-pointing carriage
AD 120
Soybean, fermented
200 BC
Sprouts, for medicinal and nutritional purposes
2nd century BC
Spindle wheel
5th century BC
Spindle wheel, multiple spindle
11th century AD
Spindle wheel, treadle-operated
1st century AD
Spooling frame
AD 1313
Square pallet chain pump
AD 186
Stalactites and stalagmites, records of
4th century BC
Stars, proper motion of
AD 725
Steamers, pottery
5th millennium BC
Steel production, confusion method of
6th century AD
Sterilization by steaming
AD 980
Steroids, urinary
AD 1025
Still, Chinese-type
7th century AD
AD 300
Stringed instruments
9th century BC
Tea, as drink
2nd century BC
Thyroid treatment
1st century BC
Tian yuan algebraic notation
AD 1248
Tilt-hammer, water-powered spoon
AD 1145
9th century AD
Trebuchet (simple)
4th century BC
Trip hammers
2nd century BC
Trip hammers, water-powered
AD 20
2nd century BC
Watermills, geared
3rd century AD
Waterwheel, horizontal
AD 31
Weather vane
120 BC
Wet copper method
11th century AD
Wheelbarrow, centrally mounted
30 BC
Wheelbarrow, with sails
6th century AD
Windlass, well
120 BC
Windows, revolving
5th century BC
Winnowing machine
1st century BC
Wu tong black palatinated copper
15th century AD
AD 180

Simon Winchester writes a phenomenal look at Joseph Needham as a man with multifaceted brilliance in science, math, history, and the list goes on. He must have had a photographic or near-photographic memory to retain and organize the massive amounts of information that passed through his ear and eye portals. To read more, check out Winchester's book The Man Who Loved China: The Fantastic Story of the Eccentric Scientist Who Unlocked the Mysteries of the Middle Kingdom. The above list of inventions and discoveries is taken from Winchester's first appendix.