Monday, April 22, 2019

2018 Hambone Award Nominees

The annual Hambone Award is given out each year by Nationwide, a company that offers pet insurance. The prize goes to the pet with the weirdest insurance claim -- as decided in an online vote open to the public -- and it includes a bronze statue and a “huge basket of their favorite toys and treats,” the firm says. The veterinary hospital that treated the animal reaps an even bigger award: $10,000.

So here are some of the finalists for 2018:

Sugar Cookie in January 2018 [my personal favorite]:

Sugar Cookie, a Siberian cat, somehow got mixed up in the laundry that was already dry. The owner, not having time to finish the folding, put the remaining laundry back in the dryer for a quick fluffing, and then walked away. She soon heard meowing, and went in search of the sound. Lo and behold, the sound was coming from the dryer. Quickly stopping the dryer, she pulled the cat out and called emergency care, who advised her to take her cat to the local vet and treat it for dehydration. She did, and the cat being a cat, obviously has at least one life left, as it pulled through quite well.


Bentley (Golden Retriever) in May 2018, most unusual claim of the month: 

Bentley's owner runs a florist shop and while making arrangements, a hot glue gun is used. Usually the glue gun in kept on a high shelf, and usually the dog doesn't go near the owner while she is working. However, one day the owner noticed the dog working and working, trying to get his eye opened. He had somehow gotten near the hot glue gun and successfully glued his eye shut. After trying desperately to work the glue off, the owner ended up taking Bentley to the vet who carefully shaved the glue off with a knife. No damage done, but the owner was thankful for the pet insurance to cover the cost of the vet bill.


Ziva and Zeus in April 2018: 

Ziva and Zeus, two German Shepherds, wandered in an abandoned missile silo 200 yards behind their owner's house, and got trapped. For the next 21 days the search was on for them, but no one thought to look for them there, so close to home. Finally in an act of desperation, the owner wandered through the silo and heard the dogs, which were in a long deep hole and standing in 6 inches of water. 9-1-1 came to the rescue to pull them out, and vet services were needed to treat and monitor them for a few weeks. Ziva the female lost 25 pounds, had a gash on her leg and needed anxiety medication. Zeus lost 30 pounds, had several hot spots, giardia and liver issues. Both pulled through quite well considering they were trapped and without care or shelter for three weeks.

To read up on other Hambone winners and nominees, read the Hambone Award page sponsored by the insurance company Nationwide. Their collection of stories goes back to 2009, so there are loads of crazy stories to laugh over! and vote on for your own favorite!